6 Reasons Why Facility Engineers Use Inspection Software (and why you should, too)
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Managing the mandatory inspection at your facility can be an enormous task – specifically for healthcare Facility Manager’s who need to keep their compliance reporting handy and ready on-the-fly for Authorities Having Jurisdiction’s (AHJ’s) like the Joint Commission. We’ve put together a list of 8 reasons reasons why facilities like yours use inspection software to perform code-mandated fire safety inspections and why you should use one too.
1. Consistency in Inspections
Having a system in place where anyone on your team can access information, update files, and perform the inspections the same way is a huge step up from filing paper inspection records, lost emails, and misplaced information More importantly, it’s about the money and time you save by performing these inspections efficiently and accurately. Additionally, you can supervise your staff’s performance and activity, arrange and set up inspection jobs all in one easy-to-use system. With inspection software, you can keep a pulse on when inspections are due and resource plan for when you need to have staff available. Your staff can review inspection records, including pictures of any deficiencies in one place. Need some training on exactly how to perform the inspections. We’ve got you covered there, too.
2. Going Paperless
Having inspection and maintenance history at your fingertips is priceless when your time is already limited. In today’s busy world, not having to spend time tracking down paper trails and inspection history means money – and when dealing with annual inspections such as fire door inspections, that could equate to a lot of money. It’s a world without filing, lugging around paperwork, and worrying about lost information. Additionally, in the times of national pandemic. utilizing a tablet or a phone that is small and easy to disinfect is much safer way to perform inspections for your team. You’ll support a “greener” environment while also saving substantial dollars on large, color-rich paper reports at your larger facilities.
3. Reporting, Reporting, Reporting
Let’s face it – the report you generate after an inspection that you hand off to your AHJ is the most important part of your inspection process. A software inspection reporting suite will give you precise insight into the current condition of your fire safety assets, and any defects and immediate actions that might be needed. You’ll have a Statement of Conditions report at your fingertips that you can generate on demand in seconds.
From a management standpoint, there is great value in keeping your inspection documents all in one place. If you manage multiple facilities, you can see the status of each of your buildings and locations and organize those reports easily and accurately.. Knowing exactly where everything is will save you significant time by keep and provide that consistency that your organization needs.
4. Efficiency is money
Quality inspection software like Safenetix allows for in-depth inspections with reporting hierarchies to assess the condition of your fire safety assets. The quicker your team is up to par on how to perform the inspections through quality and extensive training and utilizing software to move from asset to asset while inspecting, the more money your organization saves. By gaining the ability to perform these code-mandated inspections in-house rather than hiring an expensive contractor to do the work, the better your bottom line will look. Not only does software make your inspections quicker, consistent and in compliance with local codes and standards, the preventative benefits are where you make your money. Preventing catastrophic loss by fire = $$$$$.

5. Good Data In, Good Data Out
Moving away from manual inspection processes and adopting a technology driven approach allows you to gain control over the quality of your data. Inaccurate data can misguide management staff in regards to what repair work needs to be done and the current conditions of your fire safety systems. When looking to make crucial budgetary business decision, accurate date i the first step. Inspection software can give your management staff the information they need, when they need it.

6. Experience Matters
When choosing an inspection software to perform fire safety inspections in-house, you need to access to a software that was created by fire safety inspectors, for fire safety inspections. Find a company that has been through the ringer when it comes to these inspections . Make sure that they know what it’s like to perform these inspections, that they are familiar with the code requirements for reporting and who understand what it’s like to work in facilities on a day-to-day basis. Your job is difficult enough as it is – inspection software is meant to make it easier. The right inspection software more definitely will.
Interested in seeing the Safenetix software in action? Fill out the form below to request a demo today.