Fire & Smoke Damper Inspection

Course overview:
Fire damper inspections and smoke damper inspections are required by NFPA 80 and 105 every six years in healthcare facilities and every four years in non-healthcare facilities. This course was created to prepare you with all of the information you need to perform the testing required by code and to ensure the dampers in your facility are in proper working order.
Our training courses will provide you with the information you need to better understand the functionality of fire and smoke dampers and their role in facility safety, as well as code requirements and testing protocol per code.
We have created this course using our years of experience performing fire and smoke damper inspections in countless facilities across the United States and Canada. As a leader in the fire safety inspection industry, we’ve inspected hundreds of thousands of dampers and have crafted this course specifically for you – you’ll learn all the tips and tricks you need to perform the damper inspections ethically, responsibly and as efficiently as possible.
Additionally, we consulted with a group of damper manufacturer and subject matter experts to ensure the information is presented as effectively as possible and that it covers a wide range of manufacturer’s input. To learn more about the curriculum creation process used for this course, click here.
Course Length: 3 hours
Learning Objectives:
The student will receive an overview of fire and smoke dampers as part of a building’s overall Life Safety plan including functionality, different type of dampers and their components. The student will receive all necessary training to perform fire damper inspections and smoke damper inspections across any facility type. This 3 hour training also includes an overview of how to read Life Safety and Mechanical Drawings, as well as how to create the required reports as mandated by NFPA 80 and NFPA 105.
Overview of code requirements by NFPA - including NFPA 80, NFPA 105 and NFPA 101. Additional code information is covered in regards to the IBC, IFC and the Canadian Building Code requiring damper testing and maintenance
Basic information on how to read Life Safety Drawings to locate dampers as well as how to read Blueprints for HVAC systems
How to recognize installation issues and field modifications, and training to verify accepted exceptions of AHJ
How to properly perform a fire and smoke damper inspection per code requirements
Reporting requirements and best practices