Certification Exams

Engineer on computer

Key Benefits of Taking the Certification Exam:

  • Saves Time & Money
  • Convenience & Flexibility to Conduct Inspections on Your Own Schedule
  • Industry Recognition
  • Career Advancement
  • Skill Attainment
  • Three Year Certification
Latina certified inspector

Application Process

The process is outlined at the end of this section. Notices of application and registration status will be sent via email – if email is not an option for you, please contact Safenetix before submitting your application materials. After reviewing your application package, Safenetix will notify you of the results, either approving or denying your application. If your application is denied, you can not continue the application/registration process until your submitted documentation is deemed acceptable. Safenetix reserves the right to deny applications that contain false information.

Step 1: Submit the Application

To apply online, visit www.safenetix.com/certifications and complete the certification application OR print the application and email it, along with your experience documentation, to [email protected].

Step 2: Submit Payment & Registering

Once Safenetix notifies you that your application has been approved, the approval notice will include directions for paying and registering for an exam date. the candidate will fill out a registration form on the Prolydian platform indicating their contact information, location, and desired testing date. Registration windows will be open during the first 2 weeks of each month.

Once you receive approval, you can then register and pay for the examination, both of which must be submitted at least twelve business days prior to your preferred examination date. The approval notification email will include a link to the online enrollment portal, As noted in the application document, you authorize Safenetix to contact related third parties and to receive personal information on your behalf for the sole purpose of reviewing and processing your application materials.

Certification Exams